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Name Abode When buried Age By whom the Ceremony was performed
George Dumbleton Eaton Socon Janry. 10th 8 days H W Beauford Vicar
Elizabeth Ashby Eaton Ford in Eaton Socon Jany. 22d 72 H W Beauford
Elizabeth Maddy Eaton Ford in Eaton Socon Febry. 5th 1 year H W Beauford
Sarah White Eaton Ford in Eaton Socon Feby. 10th 75 H W Beauford
Mary Franks Wyboston in Eaton Socon Feby. 11th 70 H W Beauford
Samuel Hale Eaton Socon March 14th 80 H W Beauford
Thomas Hill  Eaton Socon March 26th 60 H W Beauford
Elijah Smith Bushmead in Eaton Socon March 29th 18 months H W Beauford

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Name Abode When buried Age By whom the Ceremony was performed
Thomas Bosworth Duloe in Eaton Socon April 9th 66 H W Beauford
Robert Cooper Eaton Socon April 12th 56 H W Beauford
Michael Howard Eaton Ford in Eaton Socon April 22d 52 H W Beauford
William Howel Wyboston in Eaton Socon May 4th 18 H W Beauford
William Goodchilds Eaton Socon May 30th 19 H W Beauford
Elijah Flanders Eaton Ford in Eaton Socon May 31st 9 weeks H W Beauford
Elisha Flanders Eaton Ford in Eaton Socon June 4th 9 weeks H W Beauford
George Lovell Eaton Ford in Eaton Socon June 12th 5 weeks H W Beauford

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Name Abode When buried Age By whom the Ceremony was performed
Mary Pindard Eaton Socon July 1st 69 H W Beauford
John Newman Eaton Ford in Eton Socon July 3d 3 weeks H W Beauford
Mary Rosamond Eaton Socon July 11th 72 H W Beauford
Susannah Thody Eaton Socon July 30th 74 H W Beauford
James Burgess Rosamond Eaton Socon Augt 1st 2 months H W Beauford
George Croot Eaton Socon Septr. 18th 38 H W Beauford
Nathaniel Seymour Goodwick in Eaton Socon Septr. 24th 70 H W Beauford
John Condroy Eaton Socon Octr. 20th 11 months H W Beauford

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Name Abode When buried Age By whom the Ceremony was performed
Sarah Catherine Wills Eaton Ford at Eaton Socon Novr. 8th 1 year H W Beauford Vicar
Edward Ayers Eaton Socon Novr. 8th 4 days H W Beauford
Mary Goodliffe Duloe in Eaton Socon Novr. 12th 88 H W Beauford
William Sarjeant Eaton Socon Novr. 27th 2 H W Beauford