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Name Abode When buried Age By whom the Ceremony was performed
Mary Shelton Duloe in Eaton Socon Jany. 2d 72 H W Beauford
Ann Cook Eaton Socon Jany. 4th 22 months H W Beauford
Ann Baldock Eaton Socon Jany. 11th 64 H W Beauford

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Name Abode When buried Age By whom the Ceremony was performed
Mary Harris Eaton Socon Jany. 22 77 H W Gery Off. Min.
George Cadwell Eaton Socon Jany. 27th 12 Weeks H W Beauford
Thomas Drew Wade Eaton Ford in Eaton Socon March 11th 2 months H W Beauford
Rebecca Smith Eaton Ford in Eaton Socon March 18th 9 months H W Beauford
John James Eaton Socon April 5th 2 Days H W Beauford
Elizabeth Pavin Honeydon in Eaton Socon April 7th 30 H W Beauford
Ann Wright Eaton Socon April 10th 23 H W Beauford
James Parker Eaton Socon April 24th 31 George Freer Officiating Minr.

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Name Abode When buried Age By whom the Ceremony was performed
William Atler Traveller April 29th 21 Weeks H W Beauford Vicar
Elizabeth Dean Eaton Socon May 8th 88 H W Beauford
Jane Joyce Eaton Ford in Eaton Socon May 12th 18 H W Beauford
John Reed St.. Andrews Holborn Middlesex May 20th 50 H W Beauford
William Knight Eaton Socon May 29th 2 H W Beauford
Hannah Thomasman Staplow in Eaton Socon  May 31st 87 H W Beauford
Samuel Knight Eaton Socon June 2d 2 H W Beauford
Thomas Chandler Beggary in Eaton Socon June 22d 14 H W Beauford

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Name Abode When buried Age By whom the Ceremony was performed
George Howard Eaton Socon July 1st 10 Weeks H W Beauford Vicar
David Barley Eaton Socon July 4th 1 year H W Beauford
Richard Hall Eaton Ford in Eaton Socon July 4th 42 H W Beauford
Ann Stamford Eaton Socon July 5th 10 Weeks H W Beauford
Sarah Browne Eaton Socon July 14th 77 H W Beauford
Mary Ann Croot Eaton Ford in Eaton Socon July 24th 8 months H W Beauford
James Law Eaton Socon July 28th 32 H W Beauford
William Nuns Wyboston in Eaton Socon July 28th 11 Weeks H W Beauford

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Name Abode When buried Age By whom the Ceremony was performed
John Newton Eaton Socon August 13th 75 George Freer Officiating Minr.
Elijah Smith Bushmead in Eaton Socon Augt. 20th 11 Weeks H W Beauford
Edward Emery Eaton Socon Septr. 1st 9 Weeks H W Beauford
Ann Yerrel Wyboston in Eaton Socon Sept. 1st 16 Months H W Beauford
John Gray Duloe in Eaton Socon Septr. 7th 21 Weeks H W Beauford
Mary Green Eaton Socon Sept 8th 75 H W Beauford
Richard Pruden Little End in Eaton Socon Sept. 13th 10 H W Beauford
Thomas Brown Eaton Socon Sept. 16th 80 H W Beauford

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Name Abode When buried Age By whom the Ceremony was performed
Ann Brown Eaton Socon Septr. 16th 83 H W Beauford Vicar
John Cope Eaton Socon Octr. 17th 29 H W Beauford
Robert Thorns Eaton Socon Novr 1st 74 H W Beauford
Edward Smith Eaton Socon Decr 4th 61 H W Beauford
Charles Valentine Eaton Socon Decr. 4th 2 H W Beauford
Ann Gray Eaton Socon Decr. 7th 65 H W Beauford
George Newman Eaton Socon Decr. 22d 9 months H W Beauford