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Name Abode When buried Age By whom the Ceremony was performed
John Hawkins Bolnhurst Jany 17th 1826 16 H W Beauford
Jane Hewitt Eaton Socon Jany 20th 18 H W Beauford
Elizabeth Ellis Eaton Socon Jany 27th 73 H W Beauford
George Bosorth Duloe in Eaton Socon Jany 31st 64 H W Beauford
Jane Sharman Duloe in Eaton Socon Febr 11th 47 H W Beauford
Fanny Noble Eaton Socon Feby 12th 19 H W Beauford

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Name Abode When buried Age By whom the Ceremony was performed
Thomas Fox Eaton Socon Feby 14th 3 Days H W Beauford
James Clarke Eaton Socon Feby 20th 22 H W Beauford
William Ellet Eaton Socon Feby 20th 9 H W Beauford
Samuel Dinglesby Eaton Socon Feby 21st 87 H W Beauford
Rawling Stocker Barnes Eaton Socon March 6th 58 H W Beauford
William Richards Eaton Socon March18th 45 H W Beauford
Mary Richards Eaton Socon April 2d 50 H W Beauford
Susan Blackwell St. Neots April 27th 17 R Wade Gery

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Name Abode When buried Age By whom the Ceremony was performed
John Prior Eaton Socon May 3d 2 yrs R Wade Gery
George Emery Bethlen Green London May 5th 32 R Wade Gery
Jonathan Foot Eaton Socon May 8th 16 R Wade Gery
Francis Atwood Eaton Ford May 16th 66 R Wade Gery
Susanna Graves Eaton Socon May 31st 5 weeks R Wade Gery
John Jubb Eaton Socon June 10th 22 months H W Beauford
Benjamin Ekins Eaton Socon June 18th 4 H W Beauford
John Jordan Eaton Socon June 18th 9 H W Beauford

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Name Abode When buried Age By whom the Ceremony was performed
Emma Matthews Basmead in Eaton Socon July 9th 26 H W Beauford
Sarah Walton Honedon in Eaton Socon July 16th 20 H W Beauford
Joseph Osborne Eaton Ford in Eaton Socon July 23d 8 months H W Beauford
Joseph Jordan Eaton Ford in Eaton Socon Augt 15 7 H W Beauford
Mary Peacock Eaton Socon Augt 18 2 H W Beauford
Elizabeth Bonfield Duloe in Eaton Socon Augt 25 71 H W Beauford
James Cranfield Eaton Socon Augt 27 47 H W Beauford

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Name Abode When buried Age By whom the Ceremony was performed
George Baldock Eaton Socon Augt 29th 18 months H W Beauford Vicar
Elizabeth Beals Eaton Socon Sept 1st 5 H W Beauford
James Ingle Eaton Socon Septr 1st 18 months H W Beauford
Charles Medlow Eaton Socon Septr 4th 13 months H W Beauford
Rebecca Pridmore Eaton Socon Septr 10th 19 Weeks H W Beauford
Mary Ann Wright Eaton Socon Oct 2d 11 Weeks H W Beauford
William Bradshaw Eaton Socon Octr 3d 74 H W Beauford
Thomas Gardner Wyboston in Eaton Socon Octr 24th 2 H W Beauford

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Name Abode When buried Age By whom the Ceremony was performed
George Moore Eaton Socon Octr 29th 16 months H W Beauford
Joseph Tarr Eaton Socon Novr 8th 80 H W Beauford
Thomas Haines Eaton Socon Novr 12th 49 H W Beauford
William Garton Eaton Ford in Eaton Socon Novr 12th 8 weeks H W Beauford
Hannah Ward Honedon in Eaton Socon Novr 15th 15 months H W Beauford
Mary Ann Nuns Wyboston in Eaton Socon Novr 21st 1 H W Beauford
Yerrell Newton Wyboston in Eaton Socon Novr 22d 35 H W Beauford
Joseph Jervis Eaton Socon Decr 7 26 H W Beauford

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Name Abode When buried Age By whom the Ceremony was performed
Thomas Morris Eaton Socon Decr 7th 19 Weeks H W Beauford Vicar
Ann Freeman Eaton Socon Decr 8th 2 months H W Beauford
Sarah Sharman Eaton Socon Decr 20th 4 H W Beauford
William Jervis Eaton Socon Decr 22d 18 months H W Beauford
Ann Tibley Eaton Socon Decr 29th 75 H W Beauford